sábado, 25 de outubro de 2014

Global Scholars: Week 4

This week in Global Scholars we had the exciting opportunity to Skype with a Global Scholars class from New York City!  We shared what our city is like and asked questions about their life and their city!  We also talked about water waste and what it means to be a Global Scholar.  After, we worked on creating a video on what a Global Scholar means for us.  Enjoy!

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014

Global Scholars: Water Wise Cities

What is Global Scholars?
By: George, Thiago, and David

Global Scholars is one project where we talk with people of other countries about water wasting.

About the e-classroom:

Its a website where we talk with other people, and know them and their cities. The cities that we are talking with are:

New York City

Here are some pictures from our meetings:

Here students are researching more about the different cities in our collaboration.

Here, David is replying to a student from Madrid!

Beatriz is talking to a student from Warsaw!

Thiago is replying to a post on the e-classroom!

Joao is talking with a student from New York City!

quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2014

Dividing Fractions Study Guide

To study for the dividing fractions quiz tomorrow, you can use this study guide to help you.  Good luck studying :)

Ms. Amy

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2014

Children's Day!

Last week we celebrated Children's Day with a Talent Show on Thursday and a special celebration on Friday.  For the Talent Show, we saw musical talents, dancing, magic tricks, and story telling.  It was great being able to see all of the talents, not only from our Year 5 class, but also from Year 3 and Year 4!  On Friday, for the special celebration, all students shared a big chocolate cake while listening to music with other classes.

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2014

Making Inferences

Today you are going to start learning more and practicing how to make inferences when you are reading.  Follow each of these activities and make sure you do each IN ORDER!

1. http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/ela4/o/makinginferencep.cfm
-take the quiz and see how you do!

2. http://reading.ecb.org/student/inferring/index.html?login=
-first watch the video
-then click choose a text
-when you finish click make more inferences and choose a different text
-when you finish click make more inferences and choose one more text

3, http://www.english-zone.com/reading/elefants.html
-read the article on elephants and AFTER answer the questions

4. http://www.quia.com/pop/43335.html
-take the inferences quiz!

5. http://www.tv411.org/reading/understanding-what-you-read/truth-advertising
-making inferences in advertising

When you are finished, you can research some of the body systems listed below.  Before class tomorrow, you are going to tell me your top 3 choices you want to research.

1. The Skeletal System
2. The Muscular System
3. The Circulatory System
4. The Nervous System
5. The Immune System (this one you didn`t read on Monday)
6. The Digestive System
7. The Respiratory System

You can use these good websites:

1. http://kidshealth.org/kid/closet/movies/how_the_body_works_interim.html

2. http://www.accuterm.com/life-sciences.html

3. http://www.kidskonnect.com/subjectindex/31-educational/health/337-human-body.html
-click on the links at the bottom of the page next to the specific body system you are interested in