terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2014

Gente, seguem alguns links interessantes sobre o período da ditadura militar e
 a volta à democracia que estamos estudando. Aproveitem!


Last week, the students had the great opportunity to spend a couple days away with their friends at Gravatá!  It was an amazing experience for all and it was great to see all of their smiling faces throughout the whole trip.  Here are some pictures showing what they got to experience.  Enjoy!

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014

Crianças, entrem no link e pesquisem mais informações para serem colocadas no jogo que estão criando.



terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2014


On Friday October 31st, we celebrated Halloween here at ABA.  There were many great costumes by both the students and the staff.  In the morning we went trick-or-treating around the school and then went to a "disco" party up at the park.  Before we left, we read scary stories we created in our ELA class!

Global Scholars: Week 5

During this week in Global Scholars, we started our first unit on water, called "Why Water?"  In class we began talking about the different ways we use water and the importance it has to our life.  To help us understand more about water, we looked at different vocaulary words.  Here are some examples of our posts on the e-classroom.

Here are some pictures from our class: