quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2015

Multiplying and Dividing Word Problems Practice

Quiz: Solve each word problem as it comes up on the screen.  When you finish check your score and how much time it took you to finish!  Write it down on your paper. 

Quiz: This 20 question quiz has multiple choice answers.  After you have solved all of the problems, write your score on your paper.

Quiz: Click on a number under "Multiplication and Division-1" or under "Multiplication and Division-2".  The bigger the number, the more difficult the problems are.  Write down which one you picked and make sure you write down your score on your paper when you finish.


quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015

Já deu uma olhada no nosso blog de tecnologia hoje?

Lá você irá encontrar dicas de sites e aplicativos, com vídeos, músicas e jogos educativos.

Olha aqui o link: https://abatechhelper.wordpress.com

Para nos seguir e passar a receber as nossas postagens por email, basta apenas clicar no ícone que se encontra ao lado direito da nossa página.

quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2015

Science Fair: Background Research

Today you are working on starting your background research.  Use these websites to help you research the different topics you wrote down in "step 2".  Make sure you write down any of the websites you used for "step 3".



http://www.ducksters.com/science/physics/ (scroll down on the page for a list of Physics topics)




If you are having trouble finding information for your topic, go to google and type in "your topic information for kids".  For example: "sound information for kids".