segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Math Facts Practice

To practice your math facts (multiplication and division), here are some websites you can use:

(for this one set the level of difficulty), then choose the operation (multiplication and division), and then set a time limit (you decide!)

This is just for multiplication (pick the facts you want to practice or you can pick mixed)

This is just for division (pick the facts you want to practice or you can pick mixed)

The first section (multiplication and division) has a lot of games for you to choose from to practice

Good luck!!

terça-feira, 25 de março de 2014

Cyber Room: Journal Entry #5

Today's Goal: Write your fifth journal about your biome.

Here is what your journal will be about:

Journal Entry #5: Fun Facts about your biome

Rubric for Journal Entry #5: When I grade your journal this is what I will use.  All of you want to try and get a 4 for each category.  Make sure you READ what should be in each category!!

All of the fun facts in the journal entry are correct about your biome
Most of the fun facts written are accurate about your biome
Few of the fun facts written are accurate about your biome
Little or none of the fun facts written are accurate about your biome
No effort or did not complete this section.
The travel journal picture catches the reader’s eye and is very well done.
The travel journal picture is very well done.
The travel journal picture is attractive but a bit messy
The travel journal picture is very messy and poorly done
No effort or did not complete this section
Fun Facts
Four or more fun facts about your biome that you have not already said in your other journal entries. 
Three fun facts about your biome that you have not already said in your other journal entries. 
Two fun facts about your biome that you have not already said in your other journal entries.
One fun fact about your biome that you have not already said in your other journal entries.
No effort or did not complete the section.

Research websites:

2. (scroll down to click on your biome)

Homework: Multiplication Practice

Math Homework for tonight:

1. Math Workbook page 22

2. Go to: and take the practice quizzes (pick two)
Print out your answer sheets to bring tomorrow!!

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014


Essa semana, nós aprendemos um novo mecanismo de apresentação que é chamado Prezi.

  Cada grupo ficou responsável por uma viagem do passado para apresentar no Prezi, nós aprendemos muito e descobrimos mais.Tudo que nós não sabíamos fomos tentando aprender e conseguimos realizar isso com sucesso. Gostamos muito dessa experiência e na próxima semana apresentaremos para toda a classe o resultado de nossas descobertas com capricho!!

Endereço do Prezi:
 Também não esqueçam o encontro de pais amanhã! Será uma manhã de muita reflexão e bons encontros. Participem!

Equipe de postagem: Juliana e Marcelo

Cyber Room: Journal Entry #4

Today's Goal: Write your fourth journal about your biome.

Here is what your journal will be about:

Journal Entry #4: Predators and Prey

Rubric for Journal Entry #4: When I grade your journal this is what I will use.  All of you want to try and get a 4 for each category.  Make sure you READ what should be in each category!!

All of the facts on predators and prey in the journal entry are the correct ones in the selected biome
Most of the facts on predators and prey written are accurate to the selected biome
Few of the facts on predators and prey written are accurate to the select biome
Little or none of the facts on predators and prey written are accurate to the selected biome
No effort or did not complete this section.
The travel journal picture is a very detailed picture of your example of a predator and prey.
The travel journal picture is very well done and is of the predator and prey.
The travel journal picture is attractive but a bit messy and is of the predator and prey.
The travel journal picture is very messy and poorly done and is not of the predator and prey.
No effort or did not complete this section
Predators and Prey
·      One example of a predator and prey in your biome. 
·      Two facts about the predator
·      two facts about the prey. 
·      One example of a predator and prey in your biome.
·      Only three total facts about the predator and prey
·      One example of a predator and prey in your biome.
·      Only two total facts about the predator and prey
·      One example of a predator and prey in your biome.
·      Only one fact about the predator or prey
No effort or did not complete the section.

Research Websites: 


2. Use Google (type "animals in _________ (country you picked or biome)")
Example: Animals in northern Canada or Animals in the Arctic Tundra Biome 

quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2014

Cyber Room: Journal Entry #3

Today's Goal: Write your third journal about your biome.

Here is what your journal will be about:

Journal Entry 3: Food chain example and ecosystem

Rubric for Journal Entry #3: When I grade your journal this is what I will use.  All of you want to try and get a 4 for each category.  Make sure you READ what should be in each category!!

Journal Entry #3

All of the facts on food chains and ecosystems in the journal entry are the correct ones in the selected biome
Most of the facts on the food chains and ecosystems written are accurate to the selected biome
Few of the facts on food chains and ecosystems written are accurate to the select biome
Little or none of the facts on food chains and ecosystems written are accurate to the selected biome
No effort or did not complete this section.
The travel journal picture is a very detailed picture of the food chain.
The travel journal picture is very well done and is of the food chain.
The travel journal picture is attractive but a bit messy and is of the food chain.
The travel journal picture is very messy and poorly done and is not the food chain.
No effort or did not complete this section
Ecosystem and Food Chain
Four or more facts about what is an ecosystem.  Give one good example of a food chain in your biome.
Three facts about what is an ecosystem.  One example of a food chain.
Two facts about what is an ecosystem.  One example of a food chain, but not complete.
Only one fact about what is an ecosystem.  No food chain example.
No effort or did not complete the section.

Research Websites:

1. (information on ecosystems)

3. (talks about ecosystems and food chains)

4. In google type in "your biome and then food chain"
Example: Desert biome food chain

domingo, 16 de março de 2014

Cyber Room: Entry Journal #2

Today's Goal: Write your second journal entry about your biome.

Here is what your journal entry will be about:

Journal Entry #2: Abiotic Factors (climate, precipitation, soil)

Rubric for Journal Entry #2: When I grade your journal this is what I will use.  All of you want to try and get a 4 for each category.  Make sure you READ what should be in each category!!

Journal Entry #2

All of the abiotic factors in the journal entry are the correct ones in the selected biome
Most of the abiotic factors written are accurate to the selected biome
Few of the abiotic factors written are accurate to the select biome
Little or none of the abiotic factors   written are accurate to the selected biome
No effort or did not complete this section.
The travel journal picture catches the reader’s eye and is very well done.
The travel journal picture is very well done.
The travel journal picture is attractive but a bit messy.
The travel journal picture is very messy and poorly done.
No effort or did not complete this section
Abiotic Factors
Four or more abiotic factors about your biome are listed.  You need at least two on the climate, one on the precipitation (rain or snow), and one on the soil.
Three abiotic factors about your biome are listed.
Two abiotic factors about your biome are listed.
Only one abiotic factor about your biome is listed.
No effort or did not complete the section.
Research Websites:

1. (click on your biome under terrestrial biomes)

2. (click on your biome under the map)

3. (click on your biome on the list on the right of the website)

4. In google type in "your biome and then (climate, precipitation, soil)" 
Example: Type of climate in the Rainforest Biome