quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2014


As Olimpíadas ABA 2014 foram especiais para as meninas do year 5.
Elas apresentaram uma dança de líder de torcida na abertura, para as outras crianças.

As crianças competiram nas seguintes modalidades:

  1. Cabo de Guerra
  2. Corrida com Obstáculos
  3. Corrida Livre
  4. Futsal
  5. Queimado / Handebol
  6. Circuito

  7. Formação dos Anéis Olímpicos
  8. Juramento do atleta feito por Juliana, Year 5

                                                                                                        Equipe de Postagem: Heloísa Tanaka & Mariana Amorim

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 10/11

Directions:  You are part of the Olympian Travel Agency. Percy Jackson has ten days to get from New York to Los Angeles and back again, and he can’t use an airplane. Is this possible? Try to use these two internet websites to “book” a trip for Percy and his friends (Grover and Annabeth) using buses or trains.  Then answer the following questions.

www.amtrak.com (for train)

1. How much would the trip cost for just Percy (train)? 
2. How much would the trip cost for all three of them (train)? 
3. How long would it take (train)?
4. How much would the trip cost for just Percy (bus)?
5. How much would the trip cost for all three of them (bus)?
6. How long would it take (bus)?

segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson Calendar


Chapter 8/Chapter 9



Chapter 10/Chapter 11

Quiz #2 (Ch. 5-9­)


2 (nursery)

Chapter 12/Chapter 13


Cyber Room (research)

Chapter 14/Chapter 15

Cyber Room


Quiz #3 (Ch. 10-13)

Chapter 16/Chapter 17


Write and draw picture


Chapter 18/Chapter 19

No school

Quiz #4 (Ch. 14-17)
16 (nursery)

Chapter 20/21


No school

Chapter 22

No school

Quiz #5 (Ch. 18-21)

No school


No school

Percy Jackson Book Test
Watch Percy Jackson movie

Last day of school

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 8

Directions: Answer the following question in your ELA notebook.  At the top of the page write "Chapter 8 Journal".  You must answer all of the questions and write at least 6 sentences.

Now that everyone knows who Percy’s father is, how will this change the way people at camp see him? Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Percy is the son of Poseidon? Why?

When you finish:  At the bottom of your journal, write your name using Greek letters.

quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014

This week, with our reading buddies, we helped teach them about different feelings!  We read them books and helped them figure out the feeling the characters had in the story.  Then, in groups we presented different feelings using posters and acting them out.

Science Homework!

BP Oil Spill

Directions: Pick one of the articles from this website and read it: 

In your science notebook, write down 5 things you learned after reading the article.

quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 7

Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief
Directions: Answer the following questions in your ELA notebook.

1. Who are Annabeth's parents?
2. What does it mean to be "undetermined"?
4. Why are some kids summer campers and others year-'rounders? Which would you rather be?
5. What do the beads mean on Annabeth's necklace?
6. Why is Annabeth frustrated when she and Percy talk about quests?
7. Why does Luke feel bitter?
8. Why does Percy ask for a blue Coke at dinner?
9. What does Percy wish for as he puts his dinner into the fire?

10. In what way does Percy feel different once he gets to the bonfire?

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Chapter 6

The Olympian Gods

Directions: Copy the following chart in your ELA notebook and fill out the missing information using the website http://www.mythweb.com/.  Good luck!!

God/Goddess                                  God/Goddess of...                              Animal/Symbol
1.   Zeus

2. Hera

3. Poseidon

4. Demeter

5. Hephaestus

6. Athena

7. Aphrodite

8. Ares

9. Apollo

10. Artemis

11. Hermes

12. Dionysus

13. Hestia

14. Hades

quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014

Cause and Effect/Fact or Opinion Practice

Here are two worksheets you can look at to help you practice Cause and Effect and Fact or Opinion.  Check the maplebearyear5@gmail.com email for the answers.

Cause and Effect
Cause happens first and the effect happens second.

Fact or Opinion
A fact is something that we can prove is true.
An opinion is someone's belief about something.

quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 5

Directions: In your ELA notebook, answer the following questions.

1. What does the blond girl ask Percy as she's feeding him pudding?

2. What is strange about the man who is guarding Percy as he sleeps?

3. Why does Grover say he retrieved the Minotaur horn?

4. How does Percy feel after he tries the strange drink?

5. As he's looking out from the front porch, what surprises Percy about the summer camp?

6. Describe Mr. D.  Do you think he will he be a hero or a villain? Why?

7. What does Percy find interesting about Annabeth's appearance?

8. What clues help Percy guess who Mr. D is?

9. What does Chiron say to prove that the Greek gods are in America?

10. According to Chiron, what is the big question that everyone wants answered? Take a guess: what's the answer?

segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 4

Directions: After reading Percy Jackson Chapter 4, create a comic strip describing what happens in this chapter.  You can use the front and back side of the paper.  Make sure you give your comic strip a creative title!

sexta-feira, 9 de maio de 2014

Feliz Dia das Mães (Happy Mother's Day)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Mãe você é especial, porque nos ajuda quando precisamos. Quando estamos na escuridão você nos traz a luz da esperança.Você não tem igual. Mãe, amamos você!

_______________________________________________________Year 5, 2014

quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

How We Express Ourselves!!

The past couple of weeks in Year 5, we have continued to work very hard and we have pushed forward to the new How We Express Ourselves PYP theme! . To connect to our PYP theme, we are reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.  We will be learning about fantasy stories, Greek gods and goddesses, and much much more.  We  received our first pen pal letter from our friends in Malaysia!  It was very exciting to read about what life is like in their country and we are working on writing letters back to our pen pals.  We also have started our unit on decimals and have been working together to learn how to compare, order, find equivalent, round, and estimate decimals.  Here are some pictures from our classroom adventures!