quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2015

Cyber Room: Journal Entry #1

Today's Goal: Write your first journal entry about your biome.  

Here is what each journal entry will be about: 

Journal Entry 1: Biotic Factors (plants and animals)
Journal Entry 2: Abiotic Factors (weather, what does it look like)
Journal Entry 3: Food chain example and ecosystem
Journal Entry 4: Predators and Prey
Journal Entry 5: Fun facts about your biome

Rubric for Journal Entry #1.  When I grade your journal this is what I will use.  All of you want to try and get a 4 for each category.  Make sure you READ what should be in each category!!

Journal Entry #1 Rubric

All of the plants and animals in the journal entry are the correct ones in the selected biome
Most of the plants and animals written are accurate to the selected biome
Few of the plants and animals written are accurate to the select biome
Little or none of the plants and animals written are accurate to the selected biome
No effort or did not complete this section.
The travel journal picture catches the reader’s eye and is very well done.
The travel journal picture is very well done.
The travel journal picture is attractive but a bit messy.
The travel journal picture is very messy and poorly done.
No effort or did not complete this section
Four or more animal descriptions are present.  There is one fact about each animal.  It is easy to understand what the writer is saying.
Three animal descriptions are present.  There is one fact about each animal and it   is easy to understand what the writer is saying.
Two animal descriptions are present.  There is one fact about each animal present only for some of the animals.  It is not as easy to understand.
Only one animal description is present.  There is no fact about each animal present.  Not easy to understand what the writer is saying.
No effort or did not complete the section.
Four or more types of plants are listed.  Three or more facts about the plants are described.  It is easy to understand   what the writer is saying.
Three types of plants are listed.  Two facts about the plants are described.  It is easy to understand what the writer is saying.
Two types of plants are listed.  Only one fact about the plants is   described.  It is not as easy to understand what the writer is saying.
Only one type of plant is listed.  No facts about the plants are described.  It is not easy to understand what the writer is saying.
No effort or did not complete the section.

Research Websites: 

1. http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/index.html#terrestrial  (click on your biome under terrestrial biomes)

2. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm (click on your biome under the map)

3. http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/biomes.html (click on your biome on the list to the right of the website)

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

Week 2: Where we are in place and time

This week in Year 5 we started working on the PYP theme "Where we are in place and time".  Our central idea is "the human desire to explore new land and cultures has always been present in the history of humanity".  To get students to read and discuss about explorers and explorations they completed a "jigsaw" activity.  Each table group was given the same article from the website www.newsela.com.  Newsela takes current articles from newspapers and magazines such as The New York Times and adjusts them so that kids can comprehend what they are reading.  After reading and discussing in groups they then went with their "color" groups.  In their color groups they each had different articles so that they could share what they learned with each other.  Here are some pictures from this activity!

Here are some of the articles we used!

Also, in conjunction with learning about human explorations, we are also learning about animal explorations.  The students began learning about the different aspects of ecosystems and biomes such as abiotic (non-living) and biotic (living) factors.  Here they are completing an activity to determine which factor each picture is.

segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2015


Caros pais e responsáveis,

Na ABA Global School a leitura é muito valorizada dentro da sua metodologia. Mais de duzentos livros que contemplam todas as áreas de aprendizado, diversos CDs e DVDs compõem a biblioteca da classe de cada sala de aula. O contato com esses materiais ampliará as competências de linguagem e, ao mesmo tempo, desenvolverá nas crianças o interesse pela leitura.

Estimular as crianças no desenvolvimento do hábito da leitura implica também em ensiná-las a ter zelo pelos livros. Cabe aos pais criar em casa a rotina para, além da leitura, a responsabilidade pela devolução dos livros dentro do prazo estabelecido e orientar seu filho sobre o manuseio dos mesmos. Nesta rotina a criança também vai aprender a ter responsabilidade com o livro emprestado e a cumprir prazos.

Além da biblioteca da sala de aula, os alunos da  ABA Global School e seus responsáveis podem usufruir dos benefícios da biblioteca da ABA.

Os alunos novatos estarão recebendo o ABA Best Card a partir do dia 23/02. Os alunos antigos que estiverem sem o cartão devem procurar a biblioteca para pagar a taxa e solicitar a segunda via. No caso de perda do cartão, a biblioteca deve ser informada e paga a taxa de segunda via para a confecção de outro cartão.

É importante lembrar que  o ABA Best Card deve permanecer no bolso da agenda de forma que, na ocasião do empréstimo para o Library Day, possa ser utilizado.

Na agenda o item XII – BIBLIOTECA, transcrito abaixo, refere-se às normas de funcionamento para o empréstimo de livros e demais materiais.  Lembramos a necessidade do responsável financeiro ir no link indicado para aceitar as normas de funcionamento da biblioteca, para que sua criança possa utilizá-la.


A visita à biblioteca acontecerá no decorrer da semana de acordo com a programação de cada sala (exceto Toddlers), momento em que cada criança escolherá e fará o empréstimo de livros. É importante que a carteirinha permaneça na bolsa, para assegurar que todos os alunos possam fazer seus empréstimos dentro das normas da Biblioteca. A devolução dos livros deve ser feita na data estabelecida, evitando-se multas por atraso.

Todos os itens emprestados à biblioteca devem ser devolvidos em perfeito estado. Em caso de algum dano será solicitado ao responsável o pagamento do valor referente ao mesmo para reposição do item no acervo.

ABA Best Card precisa ser ativado anualmente. Para isto, o responsável financeiro deve confirmar estar ciente das Normas de Funcionamento no link http://www.estudenaaba.com/termo

Agradecemos a colaboração e desejamos a todos um excelente 2015.

Equipe da Biblioteca da ABA

quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2015

First Week of School

Welcome to our Year 5 blog.  Here you will get to see all of the different activities our students are doing throughout the school year.  This week, our students got to know each other more through an activity called "Find Someone Who Has".  The students had to, without talking, walk around the room and find different students that fit each category (for example: "...has an older brother", "...has lived in another country", "...is wearing your favorite colors").  With this activity, they had to learn how to communicate without words and did a great job doing so!  Here is a video of the students completing the activity.

We are very excited for this new school year and getting to know our students more and more each day!