segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2016

Vacation Reading, Week 4, Comic Book about Civil Rights!

Hi guys and gals!

I have noticed that not so many people have been commenting on the posts.  That's no problem.  I will continue to post for those of you who find some free time to read a little bit!

Here is the article that I found interesting this time!


Comic book is John Lewis’ civil rights-era teaching tool

WASHINGTON — “March: Book Two,” the second installment of the comic book version of Representative John Lewis’ odyssey during the civil rights movement, takes readers inside the days when he and his fellow nonviolent protesters faced a rising wave of violent attacks.
The 74-year-old Democratic congressman from Georgia said that when he turned the pages, it brought that historic era, from 1961 to 1963, when he was in his early 20s, right back: the beatings, bus bombing, dogs and fire hoses loosed on children.
“The drama of what happened, how it happened; it’s so moving to me and so powerful, and for me to look at some of the drawings, it almost makes me cry,” he said in an interview.
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s father used to give his son preaching advice — “‘Make it plain, son, make it plain,’” Lewis said. “And I think ‘March: Book Two’ makes it plain and makes it possible for the young to understand, to feel it.”
Lewis’ latest account of that turbulent era comes amid renewed attention due to the film “Selma,” based on the civil right supporters’ famous and bloody efforts in 1965 to march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital in Montgomery to seek equal voting rights. During the first attempt, Lewis was clubbed in the head, which the film depicts.
The best-selling “March: Book One” takes the first-person story of Lewis from his boyhood on his parents’ sharecropper farm in Alabama to his embrace of nonviolent resistance and lunch counter sit-ins.
The second book picks up in the fall of 1960, as the movement’s early gains lead to escalating brutal resistance. It covers the Freedom Rides and ends with the 1963 March on Washington — Lewis was one of six organizers, and is the only one still living — and the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama, that killed four young girls.
Lewis, first elected to Congress in 1986, worked on the books with co-author Andrew Aydin, a legislative aide, and artist Nate Powell.
Hundreds of schools in 40 states have used the first “March” book. Aydin and Lewis know because they keep a tally of the places where they’ve heard from students and teachers. Georgia State, Marquette and Michigan State universities use the book in freshman reading programs.
It helps fill a gap, Aydin said.
“Unfortunately, the civil rights movement is barely taught at all,” he said. “And there’s virtually no education for the nonviolent philosophy or civil disobedience.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center, in a 2011 report, “Teaching the Movement,” found that 16 states didn’t require instruction about the movement, and in 19 others coverage was minimal, while most states failed to teach that era well.
Lewis and Aydin have been visiting schools and universities around the country.
After a grand jury decided not to indict the white police officer who shot and killed unarmed black youth Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, last year, students in Louisiana created an organization modeled on the national student movement Lewis led, because they’d read about it in his first book installment, Aydin said.
He said he thought the book helped young people organizing for social change put their struggles in context.
“They could all benefit about understanding how nonviolent protests succeeded in the past in pressuring political leaders to act,” Aydin said.
The “March” books don’t varnish anything. Lewis nearly dies early in the latest installment when an angry restaurant owner, who refuses to serve him and his colleagues, locks them in the restaurant and turns on a fumigator.
Aydin got the idea for the book in 2008, when he worked as Lewis’ press secretary for his re-election campaign. One day staffers were talking about what beach they’d hit after the election. Aydin said he’d go to a comic book convention. People laughed.
“Don’t laugh,” Lewis put in. He told them that a comic book in the 1950s, “Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story,” had inspired him when he was 17, growing up 50 miles from Montgomery.
Aydin asked Lewis why didn’t he write a comic book now.
“Asking an icon, a sitting congressman, to write a comic book. It was preposterous,” Aydin said. “But it was still a good idea.”
Both books flash-forward at times to 2009, when Lewis attended President Barack Obama’s first inauguration. Aydin said he was there working for Lewis that day, watching a moment in history that his boss and many others had helped make possible.
More needs to be done to shine a light on that era, he thought, and the comic book might be the way to do it.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016

Vacation Reading, Week 3, Poverty and Food

Hi everyone!
I hope you're having a spectacular vacation!  I sure am!
I apologize for not providing reading for last week.  I tried to send it but it did not work.  These things happen, right?!
Here is the reading I found that I thought was interesting.  It is written by Bill Gates, someone who helps people all over the world with the struggles and difficulties that they experience.

Opinion: For poor farmers, life is like a high-wire act

By Bill Gates

Surjit Singh, 60, looks into his abandoned well that went dry, in this 2009 photo. The longtime farmer embraced the so-called Green Revolution in his youth, signing on to a new way of farming that introduced fertilizer, pesticides, hybrid seeds and groundwater pumped out with modern equipment. Photo: Rick Loomis/Los Angeles Times/MCT

SEATTLE, Wash. – A few years ago, my wife Melinda and I visited a group of rice farmers in Bihar, India. It is a part of India that gets hit hard by floods. The farmers there were very poor. They depended on the rice they grew to feed and support their families. When the big monsoon rain storms arrived each year, the rivers would swell. The farms would be threatened by floods.
Often, their crops would be ruined. The farmers would flee to the cities to find jobs to feed their families. By the next year, however, they would return to plant again.
The visit showed us that life is a high-wire act for the world’s poorest farmers. They don’t have the things farmers in rich countries do. They don't have the best seeds, fertilizer, irrigation systems and other technologies. They also have no crop insurance, either. If they could buy insurance, they would be paid money if floods or other events wrecked their crops.

New Risks Resulting From Climate Change

Now, climate change adds a new risk to their lives. Rising temperatures in the years ahead could damage agriculture. It could be worst in the hot tropics. Crops won’t grow because of too little rain or too much rain. Insects will thrive in the warmer climate and destroy crops.
Farmers in rich countries will experience changes, too. Yet they have the tools to manage these risks. The world’s poorest farmers could suffer the most.
At the same time, the world needs their help to feed a growing population. By 2050, global food demand is expected to increase by half. Lower harvests would increase hunger. With less food, more people would slip into poverty.

The Time To Act Is Now

I’m hopeful. I think we can avoid the worst effects of climate change and feed the world — if we act now. Governments must spend money to develop clean energy sources that will lower greenhouse-gas emissions and halt rising temperatures. Yet, it’s already too late to stop some effects of hotter temperatures. Even if the world discovered a cheap, clean energy source tomorrow, it would take time for humans to stop using coal, oil and gas. That’s why the poorest need help to adapt.
They'll need the right tools. They need money, better seeds, fertilizer, training and markets where they can sell what they grow.
Other tools are new and help to manage a changing climate. The Gates Foundation and its partners are developing new seeds. The seeds will grow even during drought or flooding. The rice farmers I met in Bihar are now growing a new type of rice. They call it “scuba” rice. It can survive two weeks underwater. They are ready for the floods. Other types of rice are being developed to withstand drought, heat, cold and soil problems.

Farmers Need The Right Tools

All of these efforts could improve lives. With the right tools, farmers can often double or triple their harvests and the money they make. The extra money can help them eat better, improve their farms and send their children to school.
We cannot know all the dangers from climate change. To be prepared, we need to help smallholder farmers, who farm a small plot of land to support a single family. One of the most exciting tools to help farmers is satellite technology. In Africa, satellite images can help make soil maps. With these maps, farmers can see what crops will thrive on their land.
Still, we need to get those better seeds and new technologies into their hands. A number of groups are finding ways to do just that. One Acre Fund is one of them. It helps more than 200,000 African farmers find money, tools and training. By 2020, One Acre Fund aims to reach one million farmers.
Melinda and I have bet that Africa will be able to feed itself in the next 15 years. Even with the risks of climate change, that’s a bet I stand by.

​Feel free to share your thoughts with my by responding in an e-mail, or posting on the blog.


quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016