sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2014

Week 10!!


It is hard to believe we are already in week 10 and this week in Year 5 we worked very hard on many different activities.  In science we finished our biome travel journals and shared them with each other.  We have been going to the cyber room every week to research our specific biome and find out more information.  After researching, we wrote in a travel journal about our journey to our biome and drew pictures describing what we wrote.  After finishing our journals we shared them with the nursery students and each other!
Researching in the Cyber Room


Sharing our biome journals with each other

In math, we are working on solving word problems using six steps which includes drawing pictures of what we read.  We made problems in groups and had other groups try and solve the problems we made.  

In ELA, we started writing letters to our pen pals in Malaysia!  We used the writing process and the steps on how to write a friendly letter to make sure our letters were perfect for our new friends :)

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