quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 3

In the following groups you are going to make a character collage.  

Group 1: Beatriz, Mariana A., Joao S.
Group 2: Marianna S., Joao P., Isabela, Gabriel
Group 3: George, Juliana, David
Group 4: Heloísa, Carlos, Thiago, Ana Carla

Here is what you need to do in your groups:

1. Make a list of characters you have met in the book so far (you should have 7)

2. Draw a picture of each character on your big piece of paper and write their name underneath their picture.

3.  Find a quote about them from the book (it can be a description of the character or something they said) and write this underneath their picture.

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