quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Sistema Digestivo

Querem saber como foi a experiência para entender o SISTEMA DIGESTIVO?
Leiam o texto escrito pelos alunos Pedro Henrique, Pedro Torban e Victoria Caroline:

"First we broke some pieces of one cracker and put in the mouth. We chewed a little, and  we stayed with it for 3 minutes, then we swallowed. What happened?  The spit melt the cracker.
Then we made another experiment. We were divided into 2 groups. Every group received some crackers, so we broke the crackers in some pieces, we broke the crackers and this is like when we chew the cracker, then we mixed the crushed  cracker with water.  Water worked as the saliva and the gastric juice acting with the food: crackers got wet and it started to decompose into even smaller pieces, becoming liquid.
Then, we put the “liquid” in a plastic bag, representing our stomach. After 24 hours we observed that the fat oil of the cracker has been separated. We know that the digestive system sends the good nutrients to the body and the rest goes to the restroom!"

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