quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014

Biomes Research

Biomes Research

Goal for today: To decide what biome you will research and travel to.

List of biomes:
1. Tundra
2. Grassland
3. Rainforest
4. Desert
5. Deciduous Forest
6. Taiga/Coniferous Forest

Now here are a list of websites that have information on biomes:

*On this website you can click on different places on the world map to learn more about the biome and watch videos

*On this website you can click on the different biomes and learn more about them.  On this website there is an extra biome called shrubland.

*This website has a learning video to learn about all of the biomes

*This website has a good video to tell you about each biome and you can take a test to see if you learned the information!

*This website is a song that a teacher made on biomes

Here are links for each biome:

*Here is a song a group of students about the Tundra Biome!

*This website has pictures of different animals you will find in the tundra

*Here is a song a group of students made about the Grassland Biome

*This video shows pictures of animals and plants you will find in the Grassland Biome

*This video is a song on rainforests

*A student created a commercial for rainforests!

*This website has a video on the difference between deserts and rainforests

*This is a student´s rap on deserts.

Deciduous Forest
*This has some basic information on this biome.

*This is a video students made on the deciduous forest

Taiga/Coniferous Forest
*This video has pictures of the taiga biome

*This video has basic information on the Taiga biome that a student made.

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