segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2014

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 12/13

Text message to Chiron. In an earlier chapter, Percy mentions that cell phones are a no-no for half-bloods because monsters can trace the signals. But what if Percy had no choice? Imagine Percy has to send a text message to Chiron about their situation as it stands at the end of Ch. 12. He wants Chiron to know what’s going on, but he has to keep it short so the monsters don’t find the call. A text message can only be 160 characters, maximum (including spaces and punctuation). Here is what you are to do:

1. Write the best message for Percy to send Chiron and use this website ( to write your message.  

2. When you are finished, copy the message and go to our class' email.  

3. Hit reply to the email called "Text Message to Chiron" and paste your message.  

4. Send it and read what other messages students in your class have written!

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