segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2016

Monday June 16th Reflection

Hi all:
Read this Newsela article and answer ONE of the three questions at the bottom.

CARACAS, Venezuela — On a recent weekday, the government was holding military exercises as it prepared for a foreign invasion it says is coming. Just a few miles away, about a dozen senior citizens were gathered in a classroom learning about another war-time invention: vertical gardens.

Empty Grocery Shelves, Long Lines

“Vertical gardens were pioneered during World War II,” a teacher said as he instructed students on how to turn plastic bottles into planters that could be hung on a wall or balcony. “We need to take advantage of every space possible.”
This is Venezuela’s latest weapon in its battle against hunger: big-city agriculture, or urban farming.
Venezuela has been swamped with images of empty shelves, soul-crushing lines and food riots. In response, the administration is now urging city dwellers to begin growing some of their own food.

Ministry Of Urban Agriculture

In January, President Nicolas Maduro created the Ministry of Urban Agriculture, saying it was critical to “fight the grave economic situation” being produced by “falling oil prices and the war being waged by the U.S. Empire against our national economy.” More recently, the administration has said metropolitan areas should grow at least 20 percent of their own food.
Urban farming is a global trend from Miami to Hong Kong, but here it is as much necessity as hobby.
A poll in April found that 86 percent of those surveyed bought “less” or “much less” food than they used to. Only 54 percent said they ate three meals a day.

"Back To The Land"

Petra Meneses, a retired 66-year-old doctor, said the soaring prices of vegetables had forced her to get serious about home gardening. In her neighborhood, a bag of green peppers costs about 1.800 bolivares. Equal to around R$16, that amount is almost a tenth of her monthly social security check.
Given Venezuela's state of crisis, "we have to go back to the land,” she said. “Even if that land is inside the city — in our homes.”
Some may wonder why the country with the world’s largest oil reserves is struggling to keep food on the table. Venezuela's problems are due as much to global forces as they are to government policies many people consider wrongheaded and ineffective.

Black Market Markups

Many farmers say government neglect, land seizures and price controls aimed at keeping food easily affordable have strangled rural development. Rice, sugar and corn — staples of the Venezuelan diet — all cost more to grow than they can be legally sold for, according to the Federation of Agriculture.
The regulated food that does make it to the store is often scooped up by bachaqueros, people who buy food and resell it at huge markups on the black market. As a result, while the regulated price of an egg is 14 bolivares, it is nearly impossible to find one that costs less than 100 bolivares.
To complicate matters, Venezuela has the world’s highest inflation, or rate of price increases. As a result, hoarding is widespread, as many consumers stock up today on items they know will cost more tomorrow.

"I Can't Find Rice"

The result of all these pressures create a confusing mix: extremely long lines and bare shelves at stores that sell regulated goods, while neighboring stores that deal in unregulated products might be stocked but at prices that are too high for people to afford.
Jaqueline Tavarez, 50, had woken up at 3 a.m. and dragged her two-year-old grandson across town in hopes of finding some food on a recent weekday. She was number 60 in a line that stretched hundreds of people long to get into a grocery store.
“I will buy whatever I can find,” she said of her shopping list. “Right now, in our neighborhood, I can’t find rice, pasta, yuca or potatoes.”
Tavarez said she and her older daughter often skipped meals to keep her grandson fed.

Collapsing Oil Prices

“We just can’t afford it,” she said. “How are we going to pay 4,000 bolivares ($9) for milk or 1,500 ($3) for rice?”
The late President Hugo Chavez first began talking about urban agriculture years ago, before the lines began stretching and prices started soaring. However, it never caught on in a nation that has traditionally imported 70 percent of all its goods. Venezuela was able to import so much because of its rich oil reserves. The country could export oil and use profits to import other necessities.
Collapsing oil prices have sapped the country’s ability to bring food in. As a result, Venezuela is now ripe for adopting the new practice, Ana Lucia Simons says. Simons is an official at Simon Rodriguez Experimental University, a state-run institute that has been charged with spreading the gospel of urban agriculture.

Crisis Brings Opportunity

“During times of great difficulty there are great opportunities,” Simons noted. Currently, she said, the El Nino weather phenomenon, global warming and political trickery are all hammering Venezuela's farmers.
“We have problems with water, we have problems with production and we have this induced war that has increased prices abysmally,” she said. “In this scenario, if you have a plantain tree, a yuca or tomato plant, it helps resolve your problem a little bit.”
President Maduro says the country needs to prepare for a foreign invasion. However, the real threat is likely to be in the guts of Venezuelans.
Ainda Olivo, a government worker who is also trying to spread urban agriculture programs, said there are many reasons to think they will be successful this time. There is unused land in the city, people are not working and money does not go as far as it once did.
“Before, we didn’t need to do this,” she said. “But as they say, necessity is the mother of invention.”

Reflection Questions:  Answer one question with at least three full sentences.  Read the description of the unit Sharing the Planet to help you answer the question.

1.  In the article that you read, what phrase from the Sharing the Planet description stands out most to you?  How is that phrase related to what you read?

2.  In the article that you read, explain what you understand about Venezuelan communities and the relationships within and between them.

3.  In the article that you read, explain how Venezuelans are struggling to share finite resources with other people and other living things. 

38 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. 1ºquestion:I think the part that it says access to equal opportunities is the most related part because the articule tales a lot abajur mane people that cant even Eat and we can Eat maaaaannnyy diferente things

  3. "Peace and conflite resolution". Because the Newsela talks about a tipe of conflite that is having in Venezuela(politician and economy conflites or problems)
    Maria Poggi

  4. 03.The administration is now urging city dwellers to begin growing some of their own food.Urban farming is a global trend.

    Vincius Diniz.

  5. I think is the part acess to equal opportunities peace and conflit resolutions because all the people in the text need to have equal opportunites

  6. They are going in many places to find some thing they need, and is very difficult.Other thing is when Jaqueline Tavares on her neighborhood don't find pasta,potatoes, rice and yuca so is very difficult.(3 question)
    Fernando Pessoa

  7. 1. "To share finite resourses with other people and with other living things." Because the article talks about Venezuelan communities and the relationships between them.

    Camila Tigre

  8. 2 That the Venezuelans are fighting to get food and each one is waking up earlier to get food Bernardo

  9. The part that sais about equal opportunites becouse the article talos about Venezuela problems

  10. 01. I think the first ( equal opportunites peace and conflit)

    Julia Tavares ❤️❤️

  11. 1- the frase that says :access equal oportunites because in this text haver some pleoples that cant eat and other pleoples can eat alto of food , so o think os this part ! ��By :Maria Clara Leite��

  12. Beause the unit sharing the planet ia talking about
    bad things that is happening with us and thats wath h on the text

  13. 1• I think it is the conflit resolution . It is about because the text say about some conflit resolutions in Venezuela .

  14. conflict.because when we write about sharing the planet we put some ideas of conflict.and talks about one conflict and the resolution that they get.
    1 question

  15. I understand that the Venezuelans need to wake up 3 get food,and this need to be changed quickly.Pedro

  16. It was question 2.Pedro

  17. 1 question: "An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things;" . When Jaqueline Tavares went on her neighborhood asking to people " for food " because she needed to feed the baby !

  18. because are the problames of the venezuela

  19. It stand most of me because to care and share to other what have in the planet. To thank care what we have and were we live.

  20. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  21. 1 question : “In this scenario, if you have a plantain tree, a yuca or tomato plant, it helps resolve your problem a little bit.”

    little actions, can make a big change in the world.


  22. 1.the phrase was: share finite resources. It is related because the people in Venezuela are sharing the food because it is very expensive.

  23. 1. The first phrase. It is related because when Jaqueline goes to ask food to others they was sharing resources with other people and other living things.

  24. 1. The part of equal opportunities , because in the newswela article it talks about the problems that have in Venezuela , like about the food that some people don't eat(nothing/anything) and other people eat many of the food(many types of food).
    By:Marina Fragoso

  25. The first phrase. It is related to sharing the planet because is talking that people in Venezuela are dividing food and resources with others and other living things, because they aren´t able to get so much. Is related to this, because there are things of nature on this time. This is about the first question.

  26. I think is the part that are sain acess to equal oportunities and peace and conficts resolutions because are one exaple for all the text and has alot of things equals on the text

  27. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  28. 1st question:The first phrase (..Share finite resources..)!That phrase is associated with Sharing the Planet because the people in venezuela are sharing food because the food is very expensive!By:Larissa

  29. 1- For me, the phrase that most stands is: "An inquiry into rights and responsabilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things". This phrase is related to the article because the article talks about Venezuela, and its problems, like, one of the problems is that people tha live at Venezuela are getting hungry because of economic problems and they are trying to make their own food with urban agriculture. People stock up food because they are afraid to tomorrow the price increases, then they share their food with family and neighborhood.
