sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2016

Homework for Friday June 3rd

Hello my movers and shakers of the future!

This first video is about a woman whose job is to design theme park attractions, just like you guys!  She is a mechanical engineer and a theme park designer. Listen carefully to the things she says!  Think about what you can add to your project to make it more appealing to the judges!  Also, pay attention to the words the presenters use and if there are any words you don't understand, write them on your SAZ Notes sheets or in your packet.

CLICK the button that says CC for subtitles.

The second is about some roller coasters in the United States.

Here are some famous Water Slides.  Listen carefully about the SAFETY CONCERNS that are raised.  You will need to talk about the safety features of your ride in order to convince the judges that your ride is safe!

Finally, here is a picture of what a really nice scale model, like the ones you made, can look like if you pay a lot of attention to beauty and details!

19 comentários:

  1. we need some of that dummies to our project

  2. also I think the 1°one on the waterslides list could be showed better and it looks prety much like an airplane

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. i learned that to we do roller coaster thrils we need to work with brain and cardiac system
    and we need a man to see how body reacts

  6. I loved all videos, the one of the women shows that we need to be pacient to do a good work the second one shows the details of the roller coaster thrils and the third of water slides has some cool slides

  7. I saw that on the first video the girl when was little like to do Lego so this did she be a mechanic engineer.
    On the water slides the 2 was very cool was like the capsule of BeachPark but cooler

  8. On the first video the girl helped to make roller coasters on all the parks from Disney or only one park?
    Some of the roller coasters that I went were on the videos.

  9. I learned that to build the roller coasters it needs a lot of work and preparation!! I also learned that in our presentation we will need a lot of details about how the forces are acting there . In the video I saw that to build and to prepare to build they use a lot of math and fisics . Also I learned that they "prepare" the roller coaster with a lot of different materials, then they do the experiment with humans (that are not the riders ) to then the riders ride in the roller coaster!!

  10. The vídeo that i most like was the third one of the waterslides . The slide that I most like was the aqualoop . I learned that we need to work allot and pay attion to the project we are doing

  11. But I like all the others vídeos to .

  12. The vídeo that I most liked was the waterslides. I can't chose my favorite because i liked all the waterslides. I liked all the vídeos! All they was enteressing! I think that an important the part of the security because with out this we can die. I love those vídeos!

  13. I liked all the videos but the one I liked the most was the second video of the Fahrenheit roller coaster I know that my amusement park ride is a waterslide but i loved the second because in the third just showed photos and in this case is better to see videos because we can see more or less how much is it speed or velocity of the roller coaster. I learned a lot of things but I loved the experiment that Brenden Walker, one adrenaline junkie, did. His subject was to test how each dropped, twist and turn affects his bonnet. To do this experiment Brenden put a electrocardiogram that is kind of a small machine that mesures the activity across our heart signs across his chest. When Brenden´s heart rate changes, the electrocardiogram will highlight. This was some things tthat I learned and that I liked. Ihope we have more activities like this!

    Ass: Camila Marinho.

  14. I saw the second video, it is awesome. The roller coster use a mind trick to give a sensation that you are falling off of the ride. There was a guy looking to the people feels when they ride on the roller coster and what was the emotion that most people fells on the ride, so Stefan Rennick putted the camera on the face of the guy to film what was his emotions on ride.

  15. I learned that to build a roller coaster it is necessary a lot of work of a group. You need engineers, architects, doctors and designers. All of these because it needs to be secure for the people who rides. I liked very much the video of the waterslides, specially the King Cobra and the Insano. One day, I would like to ride on them.

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  17. I learn that to build a roller coaster needs a lot of preparation. The video that I like more was the video of Waterslides. O like too the girl that do more or less all the atractions of the roller coaster!

  18. The video i most like was the third and the first becouse i like a lot waters slides,and my project have a capsule,and in the video too.And i like To design things,and in the 3 vídeos we can see What we need To ride,design or build a roller coaster or a water slide

  19. The one that i most like was the third because are talk more about some roller coasters and are givin some ideas for us
