quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016

Math and English Homework for June 8th

Math Homework:

(You do not need to rewrite the questions.  Just show your work.)

Multiplication and Division Word Problems:

1. Mr. Mason is buying a box of pencils for his Y5 students.  If a box has 48 pencils and he gives the same amount to each student, how many will each student get?

2. Ms. Carla is planting tomatoes in her garden. If each tomato plant produces 6 tomatoes and she has 12 plants in her garden, how many tomatoes will she get in total?

3. All the kids from ABA are meeting in the play area to watch the circus!  If there are 14 classes going,and each class has 25 students, how many students will be in the play area?

4. Ms. Fernanda is making treat bags for her birthday party.  If she is inviting 9 friends and has 200 pieces of candy, how many pieces will each friend get?  Each friend has to get an equal amount.

5. Guilherme Carvalho is selling candy bars to raise money for the hungry.  If he sells 18 candy bars at R$4 each, how much money will he raise?

Bonus:  How many candy bars will he have to sell to raise R$4.004.

This next part should be done in your language notebook.  Make sure you are putting titles on your pages.

English Word Work:

Change these sentences to the present tense.
1.  Felipe divided the candies into one thousand parts.
2.  Carol used thousandths to represent the candies.
3.  Daniel ate one thousandth of the candies.
4.  Eduarda G. lost six thousandths of the candies.
5.  Marina F. spoke to Fernando about the candies.
6.  I lost one hundredth of my money.
7.  I spoke for one sixth of the presentation.
8.  You spoke for five sixths of the presentation.
9.  You got six and five hundredths of the total.
10.  She got eleven dogs.

Conjugating Verbs:
  Remember what we learned about conjugating verbs.  The table is an example.  It shows the verb EAT in the present tense.  You can use it to remember what 1st, 2nd and 3rd person mean!

1st person (I)
1st person (We)
2nd person (You)
2nd person (You all)
3rd person (He, She, It)
3rd person (They)

Copy the tables below in your notebook.  Make your work nice and neat.
Then complete the tables for the verbs: SPEAK, WRITE and BRING in the present tense and the past tense.  You will have six tables on your page.  

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